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المجموعة العربية لاختصاص روماتيزم الأطفال

Pediatric Rheumatology of Arab Group (PRAG) was established and officially recognized in 2016 as Special interest group of Arab League of Associations for Rheumatology (ArLAR).


To be internationally recognized as a professional body representing Arab Pediatric Rheumatologists.



The purpose of the PRAG is:

  1. Promote excellence in Pediatric Rheumatology clinical care and research within the region through collaborative work among PRAG members.

  2. Foster scientific partnership and collaboration with International Pediatric Rheumatology Associations and networks.

  3. Facilitate transmission and translation of research advances into daily clinical care and adoption of best practices and guidelines.

  4. Support regional education and training in Pediatric Rheumatology

  5. Empowerment of patients and their families by addressing their needs to their governing bodies 

PRAG Members

All certified pediatric rheumatologists of all Arab countries are welcomed to be members of PRAG.

The steering committee members are the founders of PRAG and establishing the group to be recognized as a special interest group in the ArLAR. Members will be the major support for the PRAG to achieve its vision and mission.


The executive committee members are recognized by the steering committee members through nomination from different Arab countries.


The members of the executive committee are responsible for making scientific programs over the period of election. This includes but not limited to: webinars, symposiums, scientific workshops, and research activities.

Previous PRAG meetings

The chairperson of the executive committee is elected for a period of 2 years and follow the ArLAR elected country to host the conference. 
PRAG 1st Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) February 2016: chairperson Dr Wafaa Al Suwairi 
PRAG 2nd Amman (Jordan) July 2017 chairperson Dr Adel Al wahadenah 
PARG 3ed Muscat (Oman) February 2018 chairperson Dr Reem Abdwani 
PRAG 4th Luxor (Egypt) April 2019 chairperson Dr Samia Salah 
PRAG 5th ( COVID 19 pandemic ) series of online webinar (UAE) chairperson was Dr. AL Sadeq Sharif 
PRAG 6th Kuwait (Kuwait) February 2023 chairperson Dr. Muna Al Mutairi 
PRAG 7th will be in February 2025 Algeria the chairperson will be Dr. Aljohara Hadef


The established scientific activities during the period of 2021 until 2023 with the supervision of chairperson of PRAG-Dr. Muna Almutairi

1. Serial of webinars during the pandemic covid -19 with collaboration of the previous chairperson dr. Sherif Alsadeq:

​A. Adolescents with rheumatic diseases: issues to consider-March 2021.

B. Children with Rheumatic diseases in Covid Pandemic Era-October 2021.

C. Treatment updated in Juvenile idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)-November 2021.

D. Variants of Autoinflammatory diseases- May 2022.

E. Childhood inflammatory Myopathies -case based presentation-October 2022.

2. Establishing the PRAG’s website through the ArLAR and updating it.


3. Revised the vision and mission of PRAG.


4. Arranged the scientific program of PRAG -ArLAR-Kuwait 23 in March 2023.


5. ArLAR-Kuwait23 congress is the fifteen ArLAR congress that was based in Kuwait on March 1-4, 2023:

A. The PRAG program started on March 2 until March 4,2023.

B. The scientific program started at 8 am until 15 pm.

C. The program included:

i. Meet the expert (2).

ii. Scientific lectures (20)

iii. Oral Abstract (6)

iv. Case challenges (5)

v. Francophone (2)

vi. Posters (8)

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Sulaiman Al Mayouf, MD


Founder and member of the PRAG Steering Committee
Professor, Consultant of Pediatric Rheumatology 
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center 
College of Medicine, Alfaisal University



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Reem Abdwani, MD



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Mohammed Muzaffer, MD


Associate Professor in Pediatric Rheumatology KAU, College of Medicine Jeddah, KSA
Member of SSR 
Advisory Board Committee of Abbvie and Sobi and Bristl-Mayo


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Adel Al Wahadenah, MD



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Wafaa Al Suwairi, MD


Pediatric rheumatology consultant at Department of Pediatrics, King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital (KASCH) , National Guard Health Affairs
Assistant prof in pediatrics and Associate Dean College Of medicine , King Saud Bin Abdulaziz for health Sciences University
A Fellow of Pediatric at the Royal College of Physicians, London, FRCP
Co-Founder and deputy chair for Charitable Association for Rheumatology (Rheumatism)
Member of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) and part of the PRINTO group.


مجموعات الاهتمامات الخاصة الأخرى

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